Effective Examination of the Shoulder Complex

New Advances.


TARGET AUDIENCE: Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants; Athletic Trainers; Occupational Therapists, Certified Occupational Assistants

This highly interactive course will take the participant step-by-step, utilizing case

studies of very common, complex shoulder problems. Attendees will leave this

seminar with more tools to evaluate, assess and treat difficult shoulder problems in

less time and with less expense to the patient.

Examining the Shoulder

The shoulder has tremendous mobility across four joints structures. This increased

mobility can compromise the stability of the scapula humeral complex. Rehabilitation of

the shoulder requires a delicate balance between improving soft tissue mobility and

neuromuscular control. However, elimination of a patient’s pain does not mean a long-

term successful outcome. A good sound orthopedic screening examines the patient as a

“whole” versus as a “joint” or “tissue” diagnosis and will allow the clinician the ability to

address present and potential predisposing factor. Many professionals are lacking in

these skills or are frustrated with the constraints in place due to managed care . Today’s

managed care environment often frustrates the clinician by not being able to successfully

rehabilitate the shoulder. “Managed care” has a different meaning for the patient, payer

and provider. Examination and the treatment of the shoulder is challenging to the clinician

and is made even more difficult when working in a managed care environment. Clinicians

often find it difficult to properly heal the patient’s injury while also accelerating the

treatment process.

Attendees will leave this seminar with more tools to evaluate, assess and treat difficult shoulder problems in less time and with less expense to the patient.

This exciting, interactive one-day seminar is designed to inspire attendees to understand

first “what is inside the box, before you can think outside of it.” Advanced critical thinking

skills are vital in today’s limited visits and high co-payment atmosphere. The clinician who

can properly examine the shoulder by first breaking down the subjective and objective

portion of the exam and then specifically identify what is really important to rehabilitate,

will be the clinician who succeeds in meeting the needs of all the players in managed

care: patient, provider and payer. This highly interactive course will take the participant

step-by-step, utilizing case studies of very common, complex shoulder problem.

Attendees will leave this seminar with more tools to evaluate, assess and treat difficult

shoulder problems in less time and with less expense to the patient.

Course Content

Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics

 How we were thought in school vs. how the scapula humeral complex really

works with orthopedic patients ( i.e. how the legs drive the trunk and the trunk

drives the scapular-the kinetic link )

 How to put the fun into the fundamentals.

 Interactive drawings of the biomechanics.

o learn how centering the humeral head in the glenoid fossa is the key to

maximizing range of motion and function.

 Research based information on compliance.

 Research based information on how to develop vital listening skills.

 Common Shoulder Dysfunctions

 Faulty Scapulohumeral rhythm/scapular dyskinesis

  • Video Analysis

  • Demonstrations

 Core Stability/training-for all patient populations

  • Video Analysis

  • Lab Demonstrations

 Adhesive capsulitis

 Manual therapy

  • Videos

  • Hands-on Demonstrations

  • How to get the hand behind the back vs. the towel or pulley exercise

  • How to treat the shoulder that has plateaued in range of motion

 Labral pathology

  • Interactive anatomical Drawings

  • Special tests to rehab

 Rotator Cuff Syndrome

  • Classification System

  • Discuss the difference between the 20-year-old vs. 70-year-old

 Osteoarthritis: medical management for all patient populations

 Shoulder  joint arthroplasty: traditional joint replacement to new advances

  • The reverse TSA

  • Interactive drawings of each

 Scapular dysfunction-interactive drawings and patient analysis

 Posterior  shoulder  tightness

  • Demonstrations of assessment

  • Treatment options

What You Will Learn

 Use Interactive documentation tools and therapeutic treatment parameters to

objectively measure and motivate the patient through the rehab process.

 Identify how to effectively position patients to maximize the benefits of therapeutic

exercises, procedures and modalities.

 Identify creative therapeutic exercises and techniques that consider all functional

planes of movement and incorporates the evidenced-based kinetic link model on

how you elevate your arm overhead for ADL’s, industry and sports.

 Demonstrate how to examine the shoulder and interpret exam findings to guide

and direct intervention.