Joint Replacement Rehabilitation

Are You Boomer Ready?

Geriatrics is now Geri-Active!



Physical Therapists

Athletic Trainers

Physical Therapist Assistants

Occupational Therapists

Personal Trainers

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants

Massage Therapists

Current Surgical and Rehabilitation Trends in the Advances of Joint Arthroplasty for the Hip, Knee and Shoulder-WHAT DO CLINICIANS REALLY NEED TO KNOW?

  • Do you want to know the latest advances in Joint Replacement Surgery?

  • Treatment techniques specific to the first 21 days of rehab.

  • Over 25 new techniques and exercises.

  • Do you want to know when and what activities your Joint Replacement patients can participate in?

  • Do you want to learn intra-active functional rehabilitation methods to address that stiff or weak Total Shoulder , Hip or Knee Replacement?

  • Are you ready to learn how to meet the needs of the ever increasing Joint Replacement Baby Boomer generation?


The World Health Organization had coined the years 2000-2010 the “Bone and Joint Decade’’. Joint Arthroplasty doubled by the year 2020. Today the projections of joint replacement are that by the year 2030 6 million American’s will have their knee or hip replaced!  The rise in joint replacement surgery coupled with advances in cutting edge surgical techniques such as Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) combined with less invasive procedures has allowed the Orthopedists the ability for precise alignment and sparring of tissue. The questions for us as clinicians is: Are we educationally ready to provide current and PROGRESSIVE rehabilitation for the rising joint replacement population? Joint replacement surgeries are on the rise and the patient today is quite different than the traditional patient we all learned about in school. We learned all those precautions and restrictions with the ultimate goal being to rehabilitate in order for the patient to dress, groom and perform self-care. Today the “Baby Boomer” joint replacement patient has a higher expectation out of their rehabilitation provider. Today’s “Boomers” want to use their “new and bionic” prosthesis to get down on the floor and play with the grandkids, ski and hike. Their desire to remain active has rehab implications for clinicians in all settings. Understanding modern technology and being able to confidently communicate that to the patient is extremely important in the total care of the patient.

This highly interactive seminar will provide the attendee the evidenced based knowledge to answer those often on the spot questions by our patients such as “what should I not do?” or “when can I hike or play tennis again?”. Also examined will be, surgery from traditional to cutting edge, in addition to evidenced based rehab and return to activity guidelines. This one of a kind seminar is a MUST for all clinicians who work with total joint patients.

Course Content

I. Introduction

  • Current trends and statistics on shoulder ,knee and hip arthroplasty

  • Implications and insight pertaining to the comprehensive oint replacement model

  • Core Implications for joint replacement patients

 II. Shoulder Arthroplasty: New Advances in Surgical and rehabilitation Implications

  • Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder Management

  • Complete Total Shoulder-TSA

  • Hemi Shoulder Arthroplasty

  • Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty-rTSA

A. Rehabilitation Techniques following Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

  • Range of motion guidelines and manual therapy for shoulder arthroplasty

  • Open and closed chain exercises

  • Kinetic chain exercises

  • How to address the shoulder hike or shrug patient

B.  Return to activities following Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

  • Learn time frames on when your patients can expect to perform ADL’s and return to exercise , golf, and participate in other sports

 III. Total Knee Arthroplasty

  • Traditional Total Knee Arthroplasty

  • Minimally Invasive Knee Arthroplasty-MIS TKA

  • Less Invasive /Quad Sparring Total Knee Arthroplasty

  • Computer Assisted Surgery-CAS, Robotics

A.  Review of Literature on Continuous Passive Motion –CPM

  • What do we need to know?

B.  Review of Literature on Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

  • NMES-What do we need to know?

C.  Review of literature on Pre-operative Physical Therapy

D.  Return to Activities following Total Knee Arthroplasty

  • Learn when it is acceptable for your patients to:

  • swim

  • bike

  • use the treadmill

  • hike

  • use the elliptical

  • Learn what sports are allowed following total knee arthroplasty

E.  Facilitate use of key gait and function muscles weakened by TKA

IV. Case Studies

V. Total Hip Arthroplasty-THA

  • Traditional Total Hip precautions with a compare and contrast to the more advanced hip systems of today

  • Anterior Hip Arthroplasty-Rehab Implications

  • Minimally Invasive Hip Arthroplasty-MIS

  • Advances in materials in THA and the rehab implications especially the typical precautions etc

  • How to facilitate key muscles involved in gait and function for your THA patients

A.  Return to Activities following Total Hip Arthroplasty

  • Learn when it is acceptable for your patients to:

  • swim

  • bike

  • use the treadmill

  • hike

  • use the elliptic

  • Examine which sports are allowed following total hip arthroplasty

VI. Case Examples

What You Will Learn

1. Discover the latest surgical joint replacement techniques, such as Computer Assisted Surgery, Tissue Sparring and minimally invasive procedures

2. Grasp the rehab implications as they apply to the latest orthopedic surgery for joint arthroplasty

3. Ascertain the most evidenced based info on topics such as CPM, NMES, and pre-operative therapy

4. Treatment techniques specific to the first 21 days of rehab

5. Over 25 news techniques and exercises

6. Uncover and participate in fun and intra-active functional rehabilitation exercises that facilitate return of ROM, Gait and overall function in a effective and efficient manner


  • 8AM-3:30PM with a 10 min am break a one hour lunch and a 10 min pm break

  • Introduction and the history of core stability and training

  • Review of the Literature

  • Functional Anatomy of the Core

  • Core Assessment with lab analysis and video analysis

  • Core implications and treatment strategies for the Upper Extremity Conditions

  • Core implications and treatment strategies for the Lower Extremity Conditions

  • Core Lab with Therapeutic Corrective Exercises for all patient populations: all settings of rehab including geriatrics, joint replacement


  1. Learn the history of Core Stability and Training

  2. Discuss the Evidence Based Literature related to the Core

  3. Understand the Functional Anatomy of the Core Musculature

  4. Learn Functional Assessment and Documentation of the Core

  5. Learn and Discuss Upper Extremity Implications of Common Orthopedic Conditions and how to incorporate into your treatment programs

  6. Learn and Discuss Lower Extremity Implications of Common Orthopedic Conditions and how to incorporate into your treatment programs